Monday, November 8, 2021

Ways to Increase Website Traffic - Provide 30 great tricks to increase your blog traffic


LEARN MORE: How to increase site traffic?

If you ask a marketer or business owner what he / she is most looking for and what he / she likes, his / her answer will probably be "more customers". So where does this customer usually come from? Yes from websites! So most businesses need to increase site traffic to increase sales and revenue. But how do we increase site traffic and ultimately sell more? In this article, there are ways to increase site visits that are very practical and useful. So join me in Azim Media to get acquainted with some of the most important tricks to increase site traffic, some of which you may not even have heard of.

In the continuation of this article, you will read:

How to increase site traffic?


Many webmasters are looking to increase the traffic to their blog and website and are willing to do anything to achieve this goal. Some people try to increase the traffic to the site and others are looking for more professional methods. But it is better to use methods that bring organic visits to our website. This is not complicated at all. Some digital marketers do not know how to do this and resort to negative methods such as using a robot to increase site traffic. But there is a general way to increase website traffic. In this article, 30 of the best ways to increase site traffic are mentioned correctly and in principle. So join us. 

Advertising is a way to increase site traffic

This is very clear and may come to your mind before any other suggestion. It is better to try different methods such as paid search, social media advertising and display advertising. These are good ways to attract site visitors and brand. Adjust your paid search strategies to your goals. See what you are really looking for? Do you just want more traffic or are you looking to increase your conversion rate? Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to think about this before taking any action.

If you want more traffic to drive more sales, you need to put high-target keywords in your pay-per-click search strategies. Of course, competing for these words and phrases may be difficult and costly, but productivity is well worth the effort.

Examining all kinds of content is one way to increase blog traffic


There is no one-size-fits-all formula for success in content marketing. For this reason, try to change the length and format of your content to know the taste of the audience. This will both attract a wider range of audiences and measure the attractiveness of the content. For example, use short news content, long content, and even video, infographics, and data types to engage your audience.

Write a compelling title to get users to read the article

Headlines and headlines are one of the most important parts of your content. If you do not have an attractive title, your best and most comprehensive posts will not be seen and read. So try to improve your writing skills and choose attractive titles. You can write 20 different titles and choose the best one from them. Be sure to think carefully about the title you have chosen before publishing your content.

Providing a great user experience is one of the tricks to increase site traffic


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Providing a user-friendly website with a comfortable and good user experience is another way to increase site traffic. It may sound weird, but it does have a huge impact on the audience in the first place and encourages them to stay on your site and click on more articles. do not forget:

Users only prefer your site to other sites when they can easily navigate and have a comfortable experience.

We have all had the same experience. If a site is very complex and offers a bad user experience, we get out of it quickly and do not waste our time on it! So if we look at it from this perspective, we see that the user experience has a great impact on increasing site traffic.

But what can we do to provide a good user experience?

First, increase the speed of your site!

Everyone enjoys high speed. Whether it's driving a car or loading a website. If your site is not fast and lags behind competitors, visitors will not show interest in it and will close it quickly. So you will lose a lot of visits and eventually sales.

It is interesting to note that according to a series of data, even a 1-second delay in loading the page eliminates 11% of hits. So the speed of loading web pages is so important! Amazon's site reports have shown that every millisecond increase the speed of loading pages, causing an increase of 1 percent conversion rate is. The Walmart site also reports a faster conversion rate of 2% per second.

Fortunately, increasing the speed of your website is not a difficult task and by doing a few tricks, you can increase the loading speed of your pages. Google's Page Speed ​​Insights is one way to speed up your website.

Second, eliminate annoying and extra items. 

Another way you can improve your website user experience is to remove anything that might be considered "annoying". You should show users a pop-up from time to time; But you do not have to go too far. Because users want to read your content, and if you do too much, you will remove them from your site. This has probably happened to you before, and you still remember that your visit to a website that shows you a pop-up every few seconds was not very interesting. The same is true of advertising. So do not advertise so much that visitors do not enjoy your content and leave your site quickly.

Third, the use of related ads is useful.

Another point is that you should try to place ads that are related to the same topic of your article, product or service. You may have had targeted ads on your site before, but you do not know what to do to get better results. This is another way to improve the user experience on your site; Although a little unusual. Pop-ups and ads are financially important. Yes! You definitely want to make money from your site, but not at the expense of reducing the user experience. Failure to do so will jeopardize the viability of your website and make you less profitable in the long run.

The fourth method is to simplify the website!

Another way to improve the user experience is to simplify the website. Design your site so that it is easy to work with. Put your content in front of the audience by eliminating clutter and distractions. This gives visitors the opportunity to interact with you, and if they like what they see, they will definitely visit other parts of your site to see what else you have to offer them.

Writing great, optimized content is one way to increase site traffic 

Writing unique and high quality content is one way to increase site traffic. The better your content is for different keywords, the more users will be interested in staying on the page and clicking on other sections such as other articles, ads and products.

Try to look at it like a book. The better the content of the book, the greater the focus on its pages and the greater the interest in continuing to read it. If the content of the book is not good, beautiful cover and pictures, good title and advertisements can not affect its sales. This also applies to the site article.

Above all, spend time writing good content and do your best. If you do this, everything else we talk about will be more effective. To write good content, work on finding the right keyword , choosing the right source, and writing fluent, comprehensive, and useful text. 

In addition, use SEO techniques, especially white hat SEO, to get your article in the top search engine results. No matter how good the content you write and do not optimize it, no one will see it. Be sure to use the SEO plugin to optimize your content.

Advertising on social networks

It is not enough to produce good content and hope that people will find and read it. Instead, you should take the initiative and put in more effort. One of the best ways to increase website traffic is to use social media and advertise on it. For example, Twitter is suitable for short links, quick and tempting sentences; While Google+ ads help your site appear in users' search results and are especially effective in B2B sections. If you are a B2C product company, you can try marketing on Instagram and Pinterest.

7. Pay attention to internal SEO

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. How, then, did you want to optimize your content and get it to the top Google results?

Search engine optimization and SEO is still the most important thing to do. In addition, for all your photos, put a "pen text" or a suitable alternative text and do not neglect the internal links. Meta description and meta title are very important. Basically, try to follow all the sections of Yoast and green your content SEO. Do these things to increase your site traffic and get more organic traffic.

8. Generate evergreen content

Another way to increase site traffic is to create lasting, evergreen content that is useful to users for months or even years and is completely relevant. Some content is useful for 1 year and users will not be able to use it in later years. There are several reasons for this: for example, they are not comprehensive, they do not have a good source, or their content is a bit old.

Many sites have said that evergreen content generates the most traffic for them. For example, according to, 55% of its traffic was related to this type of content.

Sometimes you can even update content you have already written and turn it into evergreen content. Benjamin Branda, one of the people who tested the issue, found that doing so would increase site traffic by 468%. Such content also gets a better ranking from the search engine; Because over time, it gets a lot of backlinks.

So try to write in-depth content and provide accurate and accurate information to users. Try to check the users of your website and know their interests and tastes. See what they are looking for and what they are learning. You can do this easily with the Google Analytics tool  . Obtain visitor data from this tool and use it to generate useful and user-friendly content.

In addition, you can look at your customers and see what they are most looking for when they enter your site and what your content has done to connect with you and ultimately buy the product from you. Finally, you can use this information to build lasting content that fits your criteria.

9. Use Long-Tail keywords

Working on the right keywords is another way to increase site traffic. Try to choose words with high search and not so much competition and work on them very well. Long-tail keywords are usually good targets. Use these words both for content SEO and as part of a paid search. To find the right keywords, read the article Keyword Search Tools .

10. Having a sidebar on the website to promote related content

Most websites usually have a sidebar for displaying other content, ads and user searches. Be sure to tag the various posts correctly so that users can easily find the content they like and the sidebar is as useful as it should be. A sidebar with related content helps a lot to see the other content of your blog or website. This will easily attract the attention of users and increase the views of articles. If there is a search tool, everything is complete. In this case, people will easily search and read your articles and opinions on various topics.

You can even create a section called "Popular Posts" and see the impact. Put this section at the bottom of the posts and at the bottom of each page of your website and advertise for the best and most visited content on your website. You can put the link of your post next to an attractive and relevant image. It is even better to put a small amount of content in this section to make the selection easier for users.  

11. Writing on other blogs is one way to increase site traffic

Let us guess your opinion first! You are probably saying that this method is outdated and no longer works, and from these desperate and elusive professions! But this is not the case at all, and contrary to many people's beliefs, writing a guest post on a reputable website will increase your website traffic and make your brand more famous. Of course, be careful! Recently, guest blogging standards have changed, and spam tactics have severe penalties. Be careful in this case and go your own way.

12. Invite others to write on your blog or website 

Guest blogging is a two-way street! As you write on the rest of the site or blog, invite others to do the same on your site. Because eventually these people will put the link of this guest post in their other posts several times and this will increase the traffic to your site. Just be careful not to post poor quality content that Google will not read your hand at one time. Google searches for low quality guest posts and identifies them.

13. Upgrade and advertise old posts

Promoting old posts is another way to increase site traffic. You may have valuable content that is very old and has not been well received before. If you have valuable and lasting content, you can easily promote your old posts with them. Because new content that is very rich and complete encourages users to read previous content as well.

Some users will leave your site after seeing old posts and will no longer follow your content. So it is better not to show the release date of your content. Neil Patel, a well-known digital marketing activist, says that by doing so, he has received very good organic traffic. Because by doing so, you do not lose people who do not read the content because it is old.

You also want to make sure that your old content, as well as your efforts to create valuable, high-quality content, will not be in vain. Social media is another great way to promote old content. The Buffer tool is a way to promote old content. Do not forget this point in advertising content on social networks:

Sometimes changing the title and using more engaging and deadly sentences can increase the click-through rate of your old content.

Sometimes people become indifferent to certain content; Because they have already seen it and do not want to click on over-advertised content; But you can promote it with other new titles to so-called "trick" users.

For example, a post could have both of the following titles: But by choosing the second title for the ads, it will get more views than choosing the first title.

  • How to increase the traffic to our website?
  • N way so that your content does not eat more than this dirt and be seen!

Both of these titles are related to the same topic, but certainly different words and sentences have a different impact on the audience. However, you need to do something to promote your blog or website posts. You can also promote old posts via email. If you succeed in email advertising, you can attract a lot of traffic to your old posts. This will eventually rank better for your content.

14. Referral input, a way to increase site traffic

Instead of trying to persuade other sites to link to your site, create content that they will beg you to back up their content! Write rich, comprehensive and documented content to be a reference for other websites and make your website more credible. In this case, in addition to getting external links, other sites are also looking to get external links from you to increase the credibility of their site.

15. Acting on LinkedIn is one way to increase site traffic

Until recently, LinkedIn may have been a tool for finding jobs or connecting with similar and related industries and industries, but now it goes beyond that. LinkedIn, the largest professional social network in the world, has become a valuable publishing platform. This means that if you post regularly on LinkedIn, you can increase your website traffic and become better known among competitors. Especially if you have a moderate to high fan base, marketing with LinkedIn can go a long way in increasing your website traffic.

Using schema and data structure is one way to increase site traffic

The schema or structure of the data does not in itself increase the traffic to your website; But search engine crawlers can easily find and index your pages. Another benefit of using Schema for SEO is that it can lead to richer snippets for the site; Which increases the click-through rate.

Don't forget the internal links

Your website linking strategy is not limited to the number of sites that link to you; This issue is also affected by internal links. So when writing and publishing content, pay attention to the internal links related to the text and the links you put between the paragraphs, and use every opportunity to place an internal link. This not only helps your site SEO, but also provides a better user experience for the audience. And you saw how much we mentioned the importance of user experience in the previous sections. So be sure to do this correctly.

Interviews with successful leaders are one way to increase site traffic

Leaders and thinkers do not mean to choose very famous and great people. People who you think have had an interesting life, are inspiring or have something to say are good choices. Of course, along with these people, also target celebrities. Create and send emails requesting interviews with these people. Conduct the interview in the best and most engaging way possible and publish it on your blog or website. The names and credentials of these people will not only increase your website traffic, but also the interviewee will share the content and expand its reach.

Do not neglect email marketing


Many businesses that focus on customer acquisition through content marketing often forget about more traditional methods such as email marketing. Email marketing is a powerful tool and launching a mediocre campaign can lead to significant traffic. Just be careful not to send spam emails and only send emails to people who have willingly provided you with their emails and would like to be informed of the latest news and new products. In addition, do not underestimate the power of word of mouth; Especially people who have already bought your products or services and are satisfied with it. Sending a friendly email and reminders about a new service or product can also help increase traffic.

Website optimization for mobile and tablet

Gone are the days of working with the Internet on PCs and computers, and now many people use cell phones to search the Internet and surf social networks. If your strategies are such that users are forced to use only computers, then you should focus on more traffic and sales. Even if your website is very basic, you need to make sure it is accessible and visible on a wide range of devices, including

High speed site to increase traffic

Ever had to wait 30 seconds for a page to load? I have no such experience! Because when I do not expect all this at all, and if I see that all this time is wasted to load a page, I completely block that page and close its tab. You probably have the same experience and do not have a good memory of it. Speed ​​up your website to create a good experience for your site visitors and not miss them. Also make sure your pages are technically optimized; This means that the size and volume of the images are appropriate, and the page structure and function of the plugins are appropriate. The faster your site is, the more benefits you get! In all respects!

Build social groups and associations

Usually, people like to express their opinions and discuss the topics they are passionate about. So creating a forum on the site is a great way to start a discussion and increase site traffic. You can even use platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram and pave the way for comments. Create a dedicated forum so that visitors can ask questions. You can do anything to make users feel comfortable and express their opinions on your site. In this case, they will show more interest in your website and will visit it regularly.

Acting in the comments section is one way to increase site traffic

As a business owner and a website, you probably also visit other sites. So why not take this opportunity? Commenting on topics you read about and have little information about puts your name on the tongues. This may not get you to more traffic very quickly, but it does make users familiar with you. In this way, you will gradually receive more visits. Just remember; Just as it is important to write relevant, high-quality content for guest posting, it is best to comment on reputable sites and interact with people. And never copy spam links in the comments section of unrelated sites!

Analyze your data

Google Analytics is a valuable source of information. Use this tool to view reviews from the most popular web pages to visitor information. Monitor Google Analytics data and use this information for your advertising and content strategies. Identify the most popular posts and pages and see how, where and when your visitors came to your site and visited it. This information will help you to have better strategies for your site in the future.

Be really active on social media

It is not enough to be active on social networks and publish content. You must be actively involved in these platforms. but how? For example, you can work with trending and related hashtags on Twitter. Answer and interact with your users' questions and comments on Facebook and Instagram. Nothing is faster than social media to connect with people! Use these networks as they are designed and interact with your fans and followers as much as you can. As these networks become more popular, you will have to work on them to increase site traffic and ultimately easily market your products online.

Submit content to Aggregator sites  

An Aggregator site is a site that collects data from other sources on the Internet and puts information in one place for users to access. The data collected is based on many things, such as a specific hashtag or a specific user account, depending on the channel or platform from which it is extracted.

But be careful not to send spam to Reddit and other similar sites and do not expect to get referral traffic. This never happens. Members of networks like Reddit are very smart and change legal links as spam. But sending multiple links that these audiences find useful will not hurt. Select the relevant subreddit, submit your content, and then watch the traffic arrive.

Having a video in the content strategy is one way to increase site traffic


It is true that most content is text based, and that's very good; But movies are an interesting asset to attract new visitors and increase the attractiveness of your site. Various data show that information retention for visual content such as film is much higher than textual retention. Video marketing is a great way to engage your audience and increase website traffic; Because it provides information.

Researching competitors is one way to increase site traffic

If you have not yet used software like BuzzSumo to check your competitors and compare yourself to them, wait for the bad news! No need to be afraid! But in the end, to succeed in anything, you have to consider the situation of yourself and your competitors. These services bring together the "social performance" of specific sites and provide them at a glance. You can get information on topics of interest to readers and, most importantly, effective presence on social media. Find useful information about what people are reading and talking about and emulate this type of content to get more traffic to your website.

Hosting Webinars

People usually love to learn and of course they want this learning to be very easy. That's why webinars are a great way to convey your knowledge and information to your avid audience. In addition, use an effective advertising campaign to complete your traffic increase strategy. Send an email a week or a few days before the webinar, and one day before the webinar, a reminder email titled "Last chance to sign up." Be sure to archive your training video so that other people can use it for a fee. Advertise your webinars on social media.

Attend conferences

In any industry and branch you work in, you can attend related conferences. There are at least one or two important conferences related to your business that you will learn about by attending. It is great to attend these events and, best of all, to speak at them. In this way, you can introduce yourself as an intellectual leader in your industry and business and promote your site.

The last word

It may seem difficult and complicated to increase site traffic, but with the tips you learned in this article, you can take positive steps in this area and eventually achieve a better ranking in search engines. There are several suggestions, some of which you can implement and check the results. If some things do not work well, try others.

Thank you for joining us. What do you think about this? Do you have any other suggestions in this regard?

 Important Notes

  • Ways to increase site traffic:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main and top ways to increase website traffic?

1. Website optimization for organic search.
۲. Welcome site users with a targeted landing page.
3. Use digital advertising to advertise.
4. Get people to your site via email.
5. Engage your audience on social media.

2. What is the criterion for increasing the traffic to a successful website?

This criterion, like other types of criteria, depends on various factors. The type of website, the topics covered in it and the type of audience. But a monthly growth rate of 10-20% is a good measure.

3. What are the offline ways to increase website traffic?

1. printed advertisement.
2. Coupons and discounts for your website product.
3. Business card and print website address on it.
4. Print a brochure and print the website address on it.
5. commercial advertisements.

4. How can I get 100 hits a day?

What 100 visits and what 100 thousand visits! Get more traffic with quality content and consistent work on your website.


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